Tag Archives: David Walker

Links & Misc. — Spring Cleaning! — Part 2

Arts and Fun:

First, an article from Salon.com about how text and Net lingo does not warp people’s brains. (But don’t text and drive.)

Next, a nice story about the secret animator code used by Disney and other animation shops.

Dutch artist Berndnaut Smilde‘s exhibit creates clouds in rooms.

Actor Arthur Darvill, best known for playing Rory on the t.v. show Doctor Who, sings a song, “The Ballad of Arthur Darvill,” written for him by BBC 1 radio DJ’s to the music of Frozen‘s “Let It Go”. And it is awesome.

Improv Everywhere gets into more than usual trouble by having a large group dressed in white bodysuits and Gap clothing pose as mannequins in a Gap store, whereupon they are briefly arrested. It’s funny. And The Gap is really stupid about PR marketing.

The Korean arts Project SH stages an a cappella cellphone performance on a subway train. I am sure if I spoke Korean, it would be even funnier, but it’s beautifully done regardless:

And the incredible painting and mural art of artist David Walker:





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