Tag Archives: SFSignal

Interesting Articles While My House is Being Ripped Apart and the Phone Lines are Being Repaired

1) Some movies have an odd history and mega stars:


2) Andrew Wheeler deals with a really brain dead essay from Michael Dirda, who is upset that other people like things he doesn’t:


3) Ursula LeGuin talks about her view of fantasy:


4) Not sure how experimental these books really are, or for that matter view them as that not known, but it’s still an interesting list from Apex Publishing:


5) Joel Shepherd guest posts on SFSignal with cogent thoughts about women and Hollywood action films:


6) Lastly, Bill Keller of the New York Times has an amusing piece lamenting his staffing difficulties because his writers keep going off to write books:



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Filed under book publishing, Movies/TV, SFFH, Women