Monthly Archives: November 2015

The Complete Marvel Dubsmash Conflict

So this is a compilation video of all the Dubsmash videos of the friendly competition between the cast of Marvel’s Agent Carter and Marvel: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. that began as innocent fun during the 2015 San Diego ComicCon and blossomed into a voting competition for charity with prominent guest stars, that ended up raising over $125,000. It’s the power of the Internet, when it’s doing good and providing time-wasting entertainment where actors act like your old high school buddies. Enjoy!


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Musings on Some of my T.V. Shows (May Contain Spoilers)

Having risen from my gasping sick-bed, I can now comment on all the t.v. I watched while recovering:

Grimm: Juliet may not be dead! That would be cool, if so. Because Juliet is a great character, but the writers only occasionally write anything interesting for her. Otherwise, she tends to be in a coma or possessed/going crazy or warning Nick to be careful. And the way she seemed to go out was poorly done. I still love you show, but bring her back from the refrigeration and I’ll be a lot happier. In any case, the new players in the over-arch plots seem interesting.

UPDATE: Juliet is alive! And Trouble is back! Way to go into the mid-season break, people.

Walking Dead: Sorry, folks, but the only way that Glenn is actually alive is if that fall off the dumpster was a dream/concussion sequence. Which is possible, but with these writers, I suspect unlikely. Walkers were biting him on the shoulders. My progression with this show has been 1) found myself not able to watch it much despite some quality acting because the characters were too clueless to live; 2) decided I could watch it if I rooted for the walkers to kill them; 3) came to like some of the characters, who also had gotten (and their writers had gotten) a bit smarter and hoped they didn’t die maybe. And Glenn was one of those last, and the only Asian they have of course. Everybody knew eventually he’d go out (because comic books,) but I agree that wasn’t the perfect way for him to go out. But it was very much a Walking Dead way to go out — killed by stupidity.

UPDATE: Glenn is actually alive because Walking Dead just outright cheated on their camerawork and hoped we didn’t notice. But that’s okay. Everybody else is going to die soon, though.

Z Nation: George R.R. Martin as a zombie is one of my new favorite things.

UPDATE: Still one of my favorite new things.

Supernatural: You know I love you, show, but I’m calling it for this season: The Darkness is boring. Still a lot of fun writing in the individual episodes, but the problem with the super-ancient, super powerful big bads is that the writers then have to stall the whole season to get into battle with them. Sometimes that works for Supernatural (angels, yellow-eyed demon,) or sort of works (leviathans,) but this one is not working for me. You’re in your old age, show, could you not come up with something better?

UPDATE: The Darkness has gone from boring to deeply annoying. But Lucifer is back! And they gave him great lines! Had to make Sam as clueless as a post to do it, but such a relief.

Arrow: Nice use of Constantine, folks! That show had a number of problems before it was cancelled, but Matt Ryan playing John Constantine was not one of them. And so the folks at Arrow brought him back to reprise the character into Arrow’s universe. And he stole the show of course. He almost made the undercover in the island poppy fields flashback plot bearable. (Let’s wrap that flashback up, pretty please, Arrow?)

UPDATE: Seriously, we’ll pay you to end that island flashback. Lovely crossover with The Flash though.

Sleepy Hollow: A crossover two-parter with the cast of non-speculative, forensic mystery show Bones? A hot mess, though the actors clearly had fun. We used to watch Bones but gradually stopped when they became obsessed with having different sorts of serial killers trying to constantly kill the main characters. Went back to see the wedding episode and it looked like they were winding down. But they’ve stayed on and more power to them. But having Bones puncture mysteries, as she does, and having her universe actually be full of magic she’s missing was painful to watch. And what would have been a decent Sleepy Hollow Halloween episode with British soldier zombies just got awkward. So please don’t do that again. Otherwise, SH’s new season seems to be going fairly well, though at this point, I think we could do with less Betsy Ross flashbacks. It doesn’t make sense with the Crane going over to the rebels in part because of Katrina thing they already had. Also, I’m kind of hoping Crane’s new flame turns out to be evil, as she otherwise seems too much like the costume maker who had a crush on Crane and got killed for it.

UPDATE: Sleepy Hollow got nicely revved up for the mid-season break. It’s been announced that they will now be exiled to Friday nights. The upside: no more crossovers with Bones.

Doctor Who: Happy with the return of Osgoode, and actually enjoying punk rocker, sunglass wearing Doctor as opposed to the early cranky old doctor routine, but what is with the continual two-part episodes? It’s getting a bit laborious.

UPDATE: Very laborious season though it had its high spots and Clara eventually went out okay (though she had to wear an unattractive grey sweater throughout most of it.) And River returns for the Xmas special!

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: I’m enjoying the season so far, but why are the writers obsessed with keeping FitzSimmons tortured and apart from each other? At this point, if they do any more of it, the two will just curl up into gibbering balls. We could use one romantic relationship that actually works on the show. (And no, Bobbi and Hunter don’t exactly work together.)

UPDATE: I take back my comment that Bobbi and Hunter’s relationship isn’t working well. But torture mostly continues for everybody else.

Also, the other television people: stop making more shows I want to watch. I have a life, you know. When I’m not coughing up a lung.

UPDATE: I’m talking to you, The Expanse!



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